Wednesday, 16 April 2014

An Imaginary Bogit by Samuel

Samuel’s Bogit Description
Samuel composed and wrote a description of his Bogit  following our class discussion and Bogit activities. He wrote it out by hand to begin with and read it back to his friends. His letter formation and handwriting were fantastic.  He asked for help with some spellings and was supported to hear some of the sounds, which he then recorded independently. He also wrote the 'tricky' high frequency words independently. Only the words 'vegetables' and 'eats' were provided. I told him I would put his writing on The Collection blog and the following day he asked if he could type his description out  for the blog by himself.

Spunch by Samuel (age five)

Spunch  is a yellow bogit  he  eats  poison food and vegetables.                                 

he got a long tung  and  no legs  his frends are Samuel and Eva he lives in a kave.

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